So I modeled this clef note and put shade smooth adn then used bevel to well… Bevel the edges and after that “edge split” modifier to sharpen and flatten the flat areas. The Problem I now face that on the mesh it looks like couple of vertises would be too deep on Z axes, but that is not the case. All vertices are on 0. If I remove bevel then that wierd shadow is gone, but I like to bevel the meshes edges and I can’t do it any other way so yeah.
How to get rid of the wrong shadow ?
All normals are also ouward, but for some reason if I flip one face facing inward then the bump disappear ? When this should not be happening and it should be vice versa.
it works, but question arises. Why is it that I must do patch work in order to make this work when instead all these options should be options of stylization rather and not cause of an buggy outcome ? So when I add more than 1 segments all of this is becomes useless again and the buggy shadow is shown again
I thought that viewport is just plain and simple view and when you see something like this it has always at least to me indicated problems that when I have fixed shading problems has disappeared. Now when I test the cleff with more than 1 bevel segments it shows wrong in viewport, but doesn’t show like that on render view / render so at least I know that the blender just isn’t showing it right like it should.
Also here’s how mine looks after same setting like in your picture ??? I can’t make it to look sleek like that
I just noticed that you made the blender file available os I donwload it to see how you solved the problem. I see that you haven’t made full faces but almost fully deleted the fron edges. I think this is wrong aproach to solve this since this very bad topolody and it is not recommended by any 3d artist that I know of. So this type of solution can’t be only there has to be real full connected topology solution out there. I for xample changed ine a little bit to get slightly more better results, but still blender is being a c**t and buggy has hell. Here’s my better topology version since my first one I do hope somebody who knows how to use bevel and to make the topology work with it come and chime in otherwise this simple form just shows how buggy the blender is if there isn’t topology reorder solution to this simple form.
I also took picture of the buggy part of the mesh. I do like to remind you that I don’t like to use “clamp overlap” since when you come up the wall that the bevel don’t go over and using calmp then it will make vertices overlap so in my version this kind of over lap should not happen, but it still happens look the picture and to the corners. I think the blender is just buggy that’s all.
I just cracket the whole thing. I was watching this video
by Gleb about normals and there was an option in blender named “set from faces” so I selected the 1 buggy face since when looked with “vertex per face” it showed wrongly facing normals on that buggy face that created that shadow. So I chose that then press “set from faces” and bam!!! it is now 100% perfect flat as it should and normals are facing perfectly on those vertexes that before was facing some random ways. So this is the real reason for this dilemma I had “wrong facing normals” which can be fixed to what ever way the face is lookin. I give the new blender file with the old and new version so you can se for your self how the modeling is done perfectly! Also the facing normals creates sharp seams which I was thinking of and tried but couldn’t get it to work before.cleff retopology version FINAL.blend (1.5 MB)
There’s no such thing as n-gon is a bad topology as long as geo is not for an animation. Non-quad geo are bad for sub-d method. Thats all. You must know what poly-count your geo must be for your render after export\import and all your concern is wright shading which relies on wright normals. All this guru-tutors nearly completely ignores normals for shading. And this is bad for education - just press “set from faces” and you’re done. What that means in Blender terms are you understand? More thinking by youreself and less stupid repeating.
I don’t understand what you mean by “wright shading” but Gleb is right of what he says because the problem was with the normals facing wrong direction thus causing the shadow and also when I re did the topology when I now add new loop cut it goes through the whole mesh which is the indicator that the topology flow is correct when before loop cut’s didn’t go through the whole mesh as evenly as it does now. So these 2 things together are the perfection.
In your version I quess it’s right too since end result also leads to pretty much perfect solution. With these simple meshes cutting corners like you did is ok if one understand enough of these things.