Clipping a curve at a specific point using Geometry Nodes [Solved]

I’m trying to do something that I feel should be relatively straightforward, but I’ve had no success. I have a a curve in my scene, with a bevel and a Taper Object applied. I have used Geometry Nodes to turn the curve into points, and I want to delete any points above a certain value, but I’ve spent a long time fiddling with the node setup, and I can’t get it to work. However I configure the Compare values, I either get all the curve, or none of it.

I assume I’m doing something really stupid, so any help pointing out my deliberate error would be appreciated.

Add a Mesh to Points before your Points to Curves

For me it works
trimtappercurve.blend (909.3 KB)
with your node-setup.

But they are already points at that moment, or?


Yeah true, I just tried it on a setup I had already opened, shouldnt have done that. Maybe I made a mistake.

Just put this together on an open curve circle and the relevant part works as is. You are right.

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I can’t upload a sample Blender file (new user, so not allowed), so here’s a screenshot of the curve in Object mode, with a copy of the curve without the Geometry Node modifier attached, to show what it should look like. Basically, I want to truncate the curve back towards its origin, so I can animate it growing and shrinking.

I suspect I may be misunderstanding the nature of curves in Blender.

Here’s the same scene in Edit Mode (I can only add one screenshot per post):

Hi Richard,

You can use the Trim Curve node for this


When I tried the Trim Curve node, I just ended up with a series of short segments along the length of the curve, essentially creating a dashed line. :frowning_face:

Do the bevel in the gn setup via curve to mesh when you already trimmed it.


It’s a nice effect, and useful for the next stage of what I’m doing, but it’s not the effect I’m after. :frowning:

Success! Thanks, @Debuk

Now I just need to work out how to apply a material and a taper, but this is a big step forward.


Ok. Good luck


here you go


The segments of the mesh probably weren’t connected before you converted them to a curve resulting in multiple little curves instead.
Use a Merge By Distance node to connect the loose vertices before the Mesh to Curve node:

I’m confident that it will work as expected :wink:

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Great, thanks. I was 99.5% of the way there on my own, but had the Spline Parameter Factor output plugged into the Float Curve Factor input. :confused:

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You are correct, thank you. This helps with my understanding of the nodes, and makes it easier to control the length using ‘real’ numbers, since I can set it in metres.

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Thanks to everyone who provided solutions. You’ve not only solved this specific problem for me, but also helped improve my overall understanding of Geometry Nodes and Curves (admittedly, that was a pretty low bar).