Clipping in Edit mode, but no mirror. Blender slow.

Hello Guys,

again I need your help:

I’m on my human mesh since a while and got many different topologies applied, did some small and some big corrections. In the end I got the following problem: When I’m in Edit Mode my main mesh (“Koerper”) has clipping activated to the vertices that are on the YZ-layer (X-Mirror). But I just killed any Mirrors?!

I would just delete them and add new, because that just solves the issue. Any vertices not on the YZ-Layer don’t clip to it. But there is another problem:

If I add a new mirror, Blender turns really slow. The mesh has 700 vertices unmirrored. If I edit for example the head (“Kopf”) with 23k vertices and mirror modifier, blender is working normally fast. Only the “Koerper” mesh has issues. Did I ran into a bug or just forgot any small setting?

Would appreciate any help, .blend is attached.

Thanks in advance,



160107_pistol_1.2.0.blend (6.14 MB)

When I’m in Edit Mode my main mesh (“Koerper”) has clipping activated to the vertices that are on the YZ-layer (X-Mirror). But I just killed any Mirrors?!
In toolshelf under Options tab you have X-Mirror enabled

If you have a subsurf modifier at the bottom of the modifier stack this can slow down the interface. You could add another modifier below this such as triangulate modifier or a Simple Deform modifier with an angle set to 0 degrees so it does nothing to your mesh

Hey Richard,

thank you for your help, I will test it on sunday.

But one thing I don’t get at all: what does the subsurf have to do with the mirror? It even turns slow when no other modifier than mirror is activated. I also deleted any other stuff than the main mesh and saved it under a new file, so I only had this few vertices, but adding a mirror kills my machines (tested on Nvidia 770M and K2200).



But one thing I don’t get at all: what does the subsurf have to do with the mirror?
Nothing at all. Why do you think it does ?

It even turns slow when no other modifier than mirror is activated.
Doesn’t for me, only change with subsurf at bottom of stack

so I only had this few vertices, but adding a mirror kills my machines (tested on Nvidia 770M and K2200).
Cannot replicate problem


for anyone having the same trouble with a slow machine:

For me it was the Duplication setting under the Object tab. It was set to Frames. Setting back to None made everything much faster.
