The rope gets affected by the fall of the torus but the torus fall doesn’t get slow down by the rope so at a cetrtain point, the torus gets through the rope.
I don’t understand where is the problem.
Don’t use rigid body at all. Just set collision on the torus, move it to its own collection, and set that collection as the collision collection for the cloth. Rigid body is just mucking things up
As Joseph has mentioned RigidBodies won’t work - they don’t interact with cloth. However, there is a work around, but this depends on exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve. eg . . .
This is a real sim but the torus is not doing the real simulation . . . a fake one is . . .
The caveat is that the fake torus is the SAME cloth object that the ribbon is, so it’s parameters can’t be changed independently of the ribbon, however by using the Internal springs you can force it to maintain it’s shape integrity, which means it self collides AS IF it were rigid. You could of course use the actual torus mesh instead of the lo-res one, but this methoid is more flexible if you want to change it out . . .