Is there a way to “cloth brush” my mesh to achieve shape like this please:
Like a scale brush, and there i can give axis X and then as i brushing (with large size brush) the mesh should start folding on X axis only with small “wrinkles”.
Is there a way to “cloth brush” my mesh to achieve shape like this please:
I don’t know much about sculpting. I answer with a possible workaround in case anyone would be interested:
This looks like something that you could use a specially-made stencil for. “specially-made” means it would have to have be in 32-bit precision, such as an EXR file. The 32b would be needed so you would have enough gradient detail when you scale the stencil up.
The way I imagine this would work:
(if Blender can use textures / procedural images as stencil without saving them first, that might work better)
Luckily Blender is very good with EXR files and this might even be possible. But again, I don’t know of a “brush” or… how ever this would be made “properly.”