gonna preface, saying i have a very old GPU - it takes me about 5 minutes to get a result - hence i can’t do a lot of testing and i can only understand so much of what each cloth settings actually does, because it’s one thing to read and another to test and kinda connect what the manual says to what happens to the cloth, in my mind.
so my cloth keeps rotating, at the bottom, or bending, always to one side, like the image below
anybody knows what can be causing this?
scale is applied, the mesh is unedited (it’s a screenshot from the simulation, paused, after some minutes of it standing still)
That is the normal behavior from cloth when you move it…it’s going to react to it hitting air and then being pushed to the side…once it shops moving the cloth should swing in the opposite direction, back and forth for a little while…that would depend on the factors of the cloth like weight stiffness, etc.
You can change the cloth properties when starting the sim, by the drop-down…
To help stop it ( not completely ) you can turn up the shear and bend under the stiffness tab…
Also, turn down the same in Dampening…
thanks for the tips, @RSEhlers. so far i get almost the same results. gotta keep playing around with settings. i’ve automated the positioning of the rings, so at least there’s that part i don’t have to repeat - just gotta change the cloth settings are let the simulation run while i do something else.
While not exactly specific to what you are trying to do, I did make a video that goes over a number of tips and tricks when it comes to cloth simulation, so it may help:
And if it doesn’t, then you will only waste 6 mins watching it