Cloth modifier for clothing driving me insane

Also with the giant-sized character and cloth you have your physics playing a role in that as well. Because your relative size to the “thickness” or “weight” of the cloth. Things are calculated in Blender based on real world math. The default -9.8 on the Z for gravity is from real world math and it is in meters. And one Blender Unit is equal to 1 Meter. So this will affect the calculation if your character is the size of a large building rather than a human.

demonic_pascal Hope you don’t mind my playing with your file somemore.

The Blend is attached.


newfigure2_mod_vest.blend (381 KB)

Not a problem. Its interesting to see what you’re able to do with it xD

Still trying to emulate your success with the pants (would be messing with it right now but Im using a wireless mouse and the batteries died). I’m also impressed with your deformation using bone heat, the few times I tried using it on that model were a mess.

Still trying to decipher everything from your last post. Its difficult, but hopefully I can get this down soon and leave the headaches behind me xD

I’ve been trying to create realistic cloth as well and have been trying to follow the steps outlined in this thread, including:

  • body modeled and animated before adding the shirt
  • shirt mesh modeled away from the body
  • body is NOT subsurfed
  • vertex group used for pinning in the cloth modifier (pls see below) only on the neck of the shirt
  • shirt object parented to neck bone in Armature
  • anim runs 20 frames before body begins moving to give shirt time to adjust

Thought I was covering all the bases but sadly my anim looks muy crapo!

And this is what my render looks like.

Looking forward to any and all feedback.


hank_cloth_02.blend (774 KB)