Model Info:
The character is around 6 ft(1.81 m) tall, the shirt is all quads and is parented to the rig with automatic weights.
The character cloth sim tutorials I’ve gone through recommend raising the Quality Steps as well as the Collision quality. But with my scene if I go above 1 for either of those settings the arm crashes through the cloth. Also, I need to keep the Speed Multiplier at 0.1 or else the arm crashes through as well. I also tried scaling the model up, the shirt looked less floaty but the arm still crashed through the shirt unfortunately.
Any way to make the cloth look like it’s not floating/in the ocean without scaling the model up?
(That is good you remembered the correct scale for the simulation.)
I tried working through this same problem quite a while ago now and basically what I remember is:
The cloth simulator is going to be challenged by having a mesh that has holes in it.
If you want to rely on the simulation for animation, try pinning key points like the shoulder, elbow, wrist to the nearest point on the mesh.
There was a key variable for getting rid of the the floaty look. It had to with collision, it was like “collision offset” or “object offset”, plus adding more weight to the cloth, adjusting the stiffness…
I would suggest not trying to get the cloth to stay on for the animation and just running the simulation in the beginning, then use “Apply visual transform” to get the cloth look and removed the simulation. Then you can use armature deform with the same rig/bones as the character.
You might try running the cloth simulator for certain poses if the cloth doesn’t look right, and then you can apply the transform and possibly use shape keys.
You are a life saver, thank you so much! So I scaled the model up 5x and pinned the shoulders, elbow cuffs, and the bottom of the shirt and this is definitely the look I’m going for! One issue I’m running into now is getting everything back down to proper size after baking. I can scale the sim down at frame 0 but once I press play the sim snaps back to the 5x size it was baked at. Have any clue how I can scale it down?
I haven’t played with the Cloth Simulation very recently but you shouldn’t have to scale up/ scale down. You should be able to run the simulation with real world values as long as there is enough geometry and correct parameters. What happens at 1x scale?
You really just have to play with it a lot as you’ve probably found, trying different things. Like trying more or less pin points. Or changing the resolution or step size or whatever or amount of cloth geometry.
Nice! I was able to run it on 2.91 no problem. Thank you! Weirdly at normal scale using the vanilla settings it looks like air is being blown up his shirt. I’m able to lessen it by lowering the Object Collisions distance to .001m but you still see the shirt being blown up :/… I’ll try making a simple arm wrap like you did and maybe that’ll diagnose whether there’s something wrong with the puppet or the shirt specifically.
Actually, I got it looking perfect now without scaling! The reason why the shirt looked like air was blowing up it was within the collision object settings. Collision > Softbody And Cloth > Thickness Outer: .001 and the cloth falls on the geo perfectly! Thank you so much for your help!