So I’m making a model for animation, and I wanted it to have some clothes that are all flowy. I modeled the body and one piece of clothing so far, and it looks fine barring one glaring issue:
This happens.
I’ve tried increasing quality steps and the thickness of the collider.
Increasing quality has no effect outside slowing the program down and increasing the thickness of the body just makes it worse.
I’ve tried smoothing the collider, smoothing the body, doing both and adding more verts and smoothing them again, and no matter what, the cloth wants to get eaten by the body.
I’ve also tried to use another 3rd party cloth solution and it behaves the same way so I figure I must be doing something terribly wrong. If someone could point me in the right direction on this I’d be very grateful.
I guess the scale is far to big. Your model look like 100m tall. That make calculations unprecise.
Try at a smaller realistic scale. Experiment with the values just with a sphere and layed an cloth on it.
I might be wrong being fairly new to blender and 3d modeling in general, but it doesn’t seem big at all based on the positional coords. In either case, I tried scaling to 1/100th of its size and it seems to exacerbate the issue, even if I apply the transform to the meshes
After resizing you must apply the size, object -> apply -> scale or use crtl + a. This should solve the exacerbate issue. It not try to apply all transforms