Cloth simulation speed is locked to intensity

Sup. I have a simple question I found no answer for yet: Say I like how my cloth behave, but I would like it to be less intense. If I increase stiffness to Pin group - I get faster animations. If I decrease Vertex mass - I get faster animation.
And vise versa: If I’m just about to slow simulation down with the speed multiplier - it slows but increases intensity, just like I would increase Vertex mass.
Seems like speed and intensity are locked to each other and I fount no way to separately adjust the two! I’ve spend 3 days, about 8-16 hours each, on tweaking, baking and observing…
I need to be able to slow animation down without increasing it’s intensity. I need to be able to decrease simulation intensity without increasing it’s speed.

I can’t:

  • Use surface deform modifier, targeted on proxy shape, to just decrease strength
    (I’ll loose most of collisions due to decreased strenght)
  • Use internal springs
    (It distort the shape with spikes. Spikes decrease along with all effects of the internal springs if settings touched)

Please tell me how you perform this, seem-to-be-simple tasks.

You could try Weightpainting which will lower the intensity. Make sure to use a gradient for the weight paint for smoothness…

Thank you. Weightpainting is as good as decreasing strength in surface deform. I already limited zones with WP, now is simulation tweaking turn.
I found 2 workarounds btw:

  • bake every scene of the 5 minute video by zones to find out what cloth settings needed in a specific time. Worst possible solution.
  • Use 2 different cloth sims for motion and collisions. Almost just as bad.
  • Use pressure’s fluid destiny and animate it. Now is an option.
    Still, no real way to lower simulation intensity without messing up simulation time and vice versa.

Update: what else I cannot:

  • Bake cloth physics to shapekeys\keyframes (If I get the idea correctly) and then just blend them as I see fit.
    It’ll take too much time just for preview. Tweaking will take time my project doesn’t have this way. Even If I do not blending shapekeys one by one - it is extra bunch of steps every bake.

did u try just to change the size to e.g. 5x? Then the cloth will behave much less intense.

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Thanks, that is really something I didn’t consider…
No, I didn’t. But I think it might break a few things. Also, If I enlarge one object - I then have to enlarge the whole scene and any other cloth physics will also change.
Is it sensitive to just transform or applied transform only? Because if only applied - it counts as the best workaround I’ve ever stumbled across.
Still, yet, not really a solution.

You don’t scale up everything, only what is needed for the sim and then export.

The basic core of the workflow is here: