Cloth simulation

Hello, has anyone found a great tutorial for modeling and simulating clothing? Something that shows how to simulate sink to leather?

Well… you may have to specify what great means for you. Any experiences in cloth sim at all, specifc feature like using “real” pattern taylors may use… or free or very small payment, real courses (which may cost some more)… price range at all ? Which one did you already tried and was not so font of ? Anything ???

Otherwise one may be attempted to suggest something like:


You know there is some specialist software for this… which does has it’s price ( 280$/year ):

Hello Okidoki, I’m just starting out trying to learn cloth simulation. I was hoping there would be a free version that is comparable to Marvelous Designer. Looks like Marvelous Designer is to go to for cloth simulation?

I’m not sure exactly what you want. :thinking:
The link below is a YouTube video that only covers clothing simulations.
Make sure there’s a proper river here

oo_1942m Thank you. This look promising.

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Why do so much people compare something very specialized and because of this pricy with something for free ?? :wink:

So yes blender can do it… (on principle) …but of course maybe not as good as something else or… you may want some addons (maybe even paid) for it…
But also: simulation and the whole trial and error workflow fro of some parameters needs some computer power… and patience…