Cloth stimulation problem

Does anyone knows what’s happening here ?, i’m trying to make a kitchen towel just like the reference, i’ve used cloth for the towel and collision to the cylinder and animate the cylinder so i would get a folded towel and everytime it turns like this :

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do you have forces? Wind/turbulance
what is your collision parameters? for both the clothes and the cylinder
did you apply the scale of your objects?


First don’t use subdivision like that, Apply the subdivision modifier at 3 or 4 levels (I can’t see the topology if is too dense or not to have enough levels)

And you may add another additional subdiv mod at 1 or 2 levels if necessary but the mod must be placed after the cloth mod.

And adjust the object collision but most importantly the self collision settings to be around the length of a single edge, you may see how much is the edge length in the edit mode overlays settings toggle “edge length” and select the edge.

And keep in mind that you might need to scale 10 times or so and apply scale on your model because the collisions are sensitive to this.

Watch these two tutorials for guidance


Quoting for emphasis- the cloth should be the first modifier in the stack


i’ve done the same things just like this video, in this way you would know what’s missing even though i don’t know why the results aren’t the same:

Why is that ?

the scale in the simulation matters a lot.
you can follow a tutorial but the models you have are too big or too small and you end up with large collision detection relative to your scene if you use the same values from the tutorial

do yourself a favor by disabling the self collisions fist to focus on collision with objects
APPLY the scale of your objects.
and check if those values in the collision settings are making sense to how large your scene is:
outer and inner of course will follow the normals, so check for flipped normals too


what are the roles of those two on the image ?

how far from the object the other object should be, to be detected as a collision.
it’s like a safety. collisions isn’t calculated just at the surface. cause it will not be enough and the engine will miss collisions
so we imagine a shell around the object. and that space between the surface and the outer shell is where collision is being detected
if you put 1 meter there. the object can bounce from one meter away from the surface.
so we usually try to make that value the smallest possible while still being detected. and no perfect value for this. it will depends on the scale of your scene and the speed objects are moving

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Can you illustrate the shell and the object so i can understand better ? :slightly_smiling_face:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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