Clothing Soft bodies or cloth??


I have been looking around for information on how to make clothes for my character. I am getting myself confused. I see there are two ways to go about this with soft bodies and the cloth simulation.

So which is the best way now in blender to go about making my clothes, which should I use?
Also if I use the shrinkwrap modifier to fit my clothes, I guess this would stop them from flowing at all.

Sorry, very new to this part and need a helping hand in right direction.

Wasn’t sure if I should post this here or in modelling.

Thanks, Glenn :slight_smile:

Probably this should be in Modelling, but no big deal :smiley:

Reading your post just got me thinking. So here’s what I would do. I’d use the Shrinkwrap modifier to create the clothes, then apply it, so the cloths mesh stays looking like cloths, then turn it into cloth and let it flow.

Does this make sense?

Hope it works.

Thanks, I shall give it a try.

Also, can I use soft bodies to make a model of a teddy bear I have seem to be made out of stuffing. If so, are there tutorials with a similar thing in mind.

Thanks, Glenn

Oh yeah, softbody of cloth as well? :slight_smile:

Yes you can probably make a teddy bear out of soft body.

Oh yeah, softbody of cloth as well? :slight_smile:

??? I don’t understand…typo? :smiley:

When making clothes for the man, should I use softbody or the cloth simulator in blender

I’d say cloth because it was designed for cloth simulations, and clothes are usually made of cloth so…


It’s not always the best idea to simulate clothing. You can often use armature to deform the clothes instead and get good looking results. Usually when you simulate clothing it kind of flutters about, whereas when someone is wearing jeans, they will stay roughly in the same position. Dresses/other long, draping clothing is best simulated though. A better description of what you’re doing would help people help you. Lets say you character is in long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. I would say to use the armature for the deformation, then create another vertex group and paint everything 1.0 except for the bottoms of the pants and the ends of the sleeves, which you could create a gradient going from 1.0 to maybe .5 at the ends, then use that vertex group as a “Goal” for one of the physics solvers(I’ve never used cloth, and softbodies can emulate clothing). Then the more baggy ends will flap around a little, while the rest deforms with the rest of the armature.

Thanks for the help Renderer10. You described what my character will be wearing.
To use the armature method do you parent the seperate mesh of the clothing to the armature like you do the main body mesh to it, then do the weight painting to bones?

Thanks, Glenn

Yes, that’s how you’d do it, sometimes it takes a little bit of playing around to get the clothes to deform right, but using physics, you have to play around with setting and then bake it before you get results, and it can get messy.

Thank you very much, shall give it a go

I’ll look forward to seeing the results!


I have done like you said, made the top out of another mesh and used the Bone weight copy script on the top to copy the same weights from the main body mesh.
I then applied an armature modifier to the top and used the same bones the body is using.

My top moves with the bones but in certain places the body below comes through and tears the top.

I am attaching the .blend file. Could you have a look for me and advise how I can make this work better. Would much appreciate it (have had trouble finding answers else where).

File was to big to upload here with clothes weighted.blend

Regards, Glenn

In your model, you have two rings of vertices at joints, to make them bend sharper, but in the shirt you do not. I added two vert loops at the joints, and it allowed me to bend the arms farther before the body mesh poked through. Another easy option after doing this would be to assign a separate material to the parts of the body covered by clothes. Then you could make this material “shadeless”, turn off “traceable”, turn on “ZTransp”, and set the alpha to “0”. This would essentially make the material not render, as it is clear, it won’t cast/receive shadows, and there is no specular highlights. Now, even if the body does poke through, you won’t see it in the render! I’ve never clothed anything, so I’m not an expert here, but I have read about different methods from a whole bunch of resources, so I do know a little bit about it…

Thanks for the advice, will have a go with what you suggested, sounds good :slight_smile:

Thanks again,

Yep, I hope it works well, like I said I’m just saying things based on my knowledge of blender, not personal experience!

Then you have advantage on me all ready lol :slight_smile: