Cloud texture random seed?

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to give a cloud texture a random seed. I was trying to give an object a displace modifier with a cloud texture, and trying to simulate a “swimming” effect. I could keyframe the strength of the modifier, but this didn’t give me the effect I’m going for.

Keyframing the texture coordinates would also work, but I’m unsure about how to do this either. Is there a way?


Hi Joseph,

In Cycles you can add a displacement to the shaded material {this is not quite the same as BI}
The displacement needs the experimental feature set, and the displacement set to true.
Animating the texture can then be done using a texture mapping node and keyframing the location
Essentially ‘moving’ the texture across the surface


I used a combination of noise {cloud} and bands

Hope this helps
