January 26, 2015, 7:52am
Hi Did some tests with the experimental true displacement in 2.73
Turned out nice i think, only one sphere, and a texture map to drive the displacement, colors and transparency.
Very easy to setup and fast rendering. Although i got some memory problems.
The movieclip was rendered with just 10 samples !!
Technically you could animate the different cloud rings with different speed to make it more intresting.
Fun experimenting with it.
Happy blending.
January 26, 2015, 8:06am
Here is the node.
I use a mesh sphere, subdivides a few times and subdivides it also 4 times.
Render on experimental , and both CPU and GPU works.
January 27, 2015, 2:48am
Another test. Little depth of field.
January 28, 2015, 8:08am
Now with planet and High Resolution
Wow, this looks really good! BTW, could you re-upload the node setup? The link is invalid.
January 29, 2015, 5:24am
Here it is, some settings seem unused, but just play with them a little and see how the result varies.
I used this texture from Nasa
Happy Blending
I’m curious, how do you turn on the true displacement? I’d really like to try it out.
January 30, 2015, 12:50am
To turn it on :
Turn on experimental rendering
Select the object you want to use it on, go to the “Data” tab and find the displacement settings
Then turn Displacement on, either on true or both.
Give the object a cycles material and the displacement input node will drive now true displacement.
The more subdivision you give an object, the more detail you can use.
This is experimental, so strange stings can occur.
Happy Blending