Coffee Machine - Study

A texture and modeling study of my partners well loved 15+ year old coffee machine.

Really tried to focus on getting the texturing as close to the refs as possible.

Let me know if you have any feedback, always looking to push my skills!!

Reference Images


me checking to see if you got the circular stains on the top lol Great work. :clap:


Thank you! :smiley:
Hahaha yes can confirm there are many stains on top of the machine!


Damn that’s good, love it !

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woah! impressive.

how long did it take if i may ask?

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I was planning to get it done in 1 weekend, but it ended up spanning over 2 weekends and a couple of evenings :slight_smile:

woah! impressive.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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