Collection with arrayed cylinder won't boole object

I’m trying to cut out sections of this object with arrayed cylinders in a collection. But I’m getting this error message: “Cannot execute, the selected collection contains non mesh objects.” Take a look:

So…what’s going on? I’m confused!

Any help you have would be awesome.



I think its talking about the empty.

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It wouldn’t be the Empty as you can have several booleans on an object as well as empties…
Something else is going on that I can’t tell from the screen…really need to see the file to figure it out…

Could you please share the file?

You poor guy. One problem after another, hey? I’ve never tried doing this, but could it be because the arrayed cylinders don’t actually exist? (as meshes)
Does it work if you apply the modifier and convert the arrayed cylinders into meshes?

Edit: Just tried it. Worked fine!?!?

As mentioned before, best to upload (a version of) your file, so people can troubleshoot.

If you only want to use the arrayed cylinder for the boolean, try using “Object” instead of “Collection” and see how that works.


Yeah, I tried it also and ended up with 4 different booleans and empties and never saw the error… so is a mystery for now…but you may be right, it might have to do with the collection…just don’t know why that would throw the error…

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Sure! Here’s the file. Thank you so much guys!

boole_nightmare2.blend (1.1 MB)

Move the empty out of the target collection to get rid of the error message. ( and in your case switch the solver to fast)

It worked! omg, thank you. I tried taking the empty out before, but it wasn’t set to ‘fast’. I was going crazy! Thank you everyone!!