Collision of emitter particles like in Cinema 4d

Hi there. I’m trying to figure out how to make this trick with collision’s emitters like in cinema 4d.

I can’t find any instruction or tutorial for Blender. Every Blender tutorial says that I need convert particles to real objects. Is there any way how to make this like It’s shown in Cinema 4d example?


Hi. Thanks but unfortunately this is not what I need. Result looks like viscous liquid. I guess Blender can’t do that things like Cinema 4d.

But Blender has simulation nodes now. I hope maybe there is some way in simulation nodes?!

I’ve just found this one:

Check this out

This is pretty much what you want, you’d just need to tweak the settings to get the effect you want.

You can also look into the molecular addon which goes even further then the vanilla stuff

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Thanks. That what I need)