color band and map to

Trying ot understand these texture and material features whic is not easy:evilgrin: :evilgrin:

is colorband color overriding the mauve of the map to menu:evilgrin:
at least i think it is if i’m not wrong !

Tanks & Salutations

colorband is not affected by the map to buttons, it just assigns a zone of color, based upon the grayscale value of the texture combined with the position of the slider for the channel/channels of the colorband functions that you are using. you will notice, when you turn on colorband, everything is cyan tinted. this is because by default, when you hit the button, you’ll have 2 channels active. one is set to black with the alpha slider turned down, and the second channel is cyan with the alpha slider turned all the way up. you can cycle through these two channels, change the colors and alpha valuses, adjust the position of their respective sliders, and add new channels by clicking ‘add’.
btw, I’m talking about the colorband buttons, in the texture buttons, not the ones in the material buttons, which, while similar, are based on the shader and the position of your light source instead of grayscale values of the texture.

Basically yes. Now the explanation.

A texture (in the texture buttons) may give three different outputs:

  1. A Value per pixel (Greyscale if you like).
  2. A Normal-Vector per pixel.
  3. A RGB-Color per pixel.

A procedural textures may give two different outputs: value and a normal vector. This is the case e.g. for stucci.
A texture that gives only RGB values is Magic. Blend-textures return only a value.

A normal vector is automatically calculated for all textures that do not have one.

If a texture doesn’t have a RGB output - like the Blend-texture - the color in the Map To panel is used, if you activate Col. But if a texture has a RGB output - and this is always the case if you use a colorband for the texture (in the texture buttons) - the color in the Map To panel is ignored. The alpha values of the colorband (if there are some) are than used as value.

If you don’t want the RGB output of a texture that produces one (magic, all procedurals with a colorband, image textures), you have to click “No RGB” in the Map To panel.

This is usefull if you need a value instead of a RGB color. Most notable example is the stencil function in the Map To panel, which doesn’t work with RGB, only with values.

Puh, a bit long but I hope you undestand my utterings :wink:

i was trying to redo the Wenge Wood in wiki book
the first two textures use the colorband and you still can see a bit the Map to mauve color

So it’s a bit difficult to follow this method which give a certain approch to making texture for wood but gives a good approximation
o’m still not certain what the color band do for the texture but i’ll play with it to see what happen


just go into material buttons, and change the evil pink color to brown. ( i think the technical term is magenta, but i’m not positive on that )

The first two textures don’t mix with 100%. So the basic color still shines through. But there should be not magenta (I think your right modron ;-)).

If you want to look at the file, you can download it here:

Question of being free - but how free ?
if i build a new librarie of material
can i use this wood procedural texture in it with no copyright problem ?

Well, I doubt that there could be a copyright on a material (or it would really have to be something very special).
Anyway, since it’s described at mediawiki it’s free for all uses (but it would be probably nice if the name of the artist would be mentioned , which is C l a a s E i c k e K u h n e n).

If you’re in doubt ask cekuhnen here on the board.


Mind you i did use materials from several librairie available on Blender
that i’v reorganise and presented in a new format
and i’ve added my own procedural textures for some materials
to get a new improve llibrairie and i woould llike to rellease it on blender or here

but i’m not ceertain on how to do this!

Tanks & Salutations

To do what exactly?

there seems to be several things to do
like this
1 - GNU licensing
2 - where to sent a preleminarie for review may be
3 - where to mention all the references ( in the overhead of the Blend file in text file may be?
4 - then who to contact at Blender to have this presented on their site

all the little things that i’v never done before

  1. Select the appropriate license. GNU-FDL may be fitting, but probably the most materials will go in Public Domain, so you should really try and create a library with PD license.
  2. Review could be done by many people.
  3. References and explanations in the text window.
  4. There are no material libraries at, they are all hosted externally and only linked.

You have probably noticed that there is another material library around in the moment?

this look a lot more complicated then i tough at first!
