Color Difference inside New Eevee in Blender 4.2 comparing with 4.1

Hello guys! Im facing a wierd color when Im trying to migrate my old project from 4.1 to 4.2. I noticed there are some color brightness difference between these two version. Please see the comparison below

So, my ultimate question is, To achieve the same results in Blender 4.2 as in Blender 4.1, which settings need to be adjusted?

First demo file is just for demostration only

File name: Color Compare.blend
Color Compare.blend (2.8 MB)

This is just a simple cube setup with a custom HDRi from poly haven. As you can see there is huge color difference, every settings are remain the same.

4.1 Eevee Result

4.2 New Eevee Result

Second demo file is from old project, simplified edition, sorry about its size since I have to attach a 4k HDRI inside so you can clearly see the color difference.

File name: GrassLand-ColorCompare.blend

As you can see from the image above, in 4.2 object brightness from the world seems way darker than it was in Blender 4.1. It is extremely wierd and I dont know where I did wrong in my project.
I tried to follow the Official Blender Migration setting from

EEVEE migration from older versions to Blender 4.2 LTS

I still cannot find where the issue is.
Could anyone willing a help a brother out? Is there any setting i was missing to cause this issue?

I really want Blender 4.2 can have much closer color display to the 4.1 version!

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Best regards

As far as I know, EEVEE and EEVEE-Next are different. :thinking:
I don’t know if the link will help

Thank you Kim for the extreme fast reply, I have submit my ticket to the official pages.

According to this guy

Adjusting the Sun threshold for the World Property can help some time indeed, it can help to bring back what old project would look in 4.1 before. But the problem still remains, Can I get the same exact look as Blender 4.1 in Blender 4.2? The first Cube comparison problem still remains, I can still get two completely different image even I tried adjusting the sun threshold.

There’s a ton of differences and missing/moved features between Eevee 4.1 and 4.2.
So finish the project in 4.1, then start a new one in 4.2 :wink:


Tested without using World settings. (Left is EVE-Next)

The results depend on which HDRI you use.
Some cases are similar, but sometimes they have different results.

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Yeah I noticed it! Eevee next seems has different algorism with custom HDRI. hence the slight different result. I can clearly see from your output, the cube face which is facing +X direction has higher brightness than the one on the right (old eevee). Thanks dude for testing.

I wish there is way to get the exact same result as before. if there is any

There isn’t, but you can always use an older version as needed



I use Blender 3.6.12 for my work with RenderMan because on my system using Blender 4.1, RenderMan will crash when trying to render anything. There is some kind of glitch that my system doesn’t like.

I use Blender 4.1 for my work with Cycles.

In fact I have MANY Blender versions for different tasks… 2.79, 2.83, 2.93, 3.3…

I have a problem lol, Point is that there is nothing stopping anyone from using older versions of Blender, there is nobody forcing you to use the latest version either, as the software evolves things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not, but this allows freedom to choose.


I can’t think of any other production software that I’ve ever used, that i kept several older versions around for because something didn’t work in Y, but did in X, but sometimes also Z.

That whole line of thinking of “you can just use old versions of software”… seriously, it’s a weird take.


I can’t use Blender 4.1 with RenderMan 26.0 with the RenderMan for Blender addon, it crashes during renders, any render. So I use Blender 3.6 with the older version of the Blender to RenderMan addon, so that the CURRENT version of RenderMan will render. So yeah I HAVE to use OLDER SOFTWARE

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Oh, in case that came off as a personal criticism it wasn’t meant to. I can totally understand that using a plug-in that has not been updated, means you don’t have any other choice.

It was more of a thought on my part about Blender being updated in ways that aren’t always great. “Use the old version” is sometimes the only option, but it shouldn’t be embraced as a great option.


HDRI’s in Eevee next cast shadows, they do not cast shadows in Evee legacy, that could be one of the differences. You can turn the hdri’s shadows off in the world settings.

There are also many other differences, Eevee next is not the same as Eevy leagacy.

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Fundamentally the same result seems difficult. :thinking:

EEVEE-Next was first applied in blender 4.2.
You may need enough time to adjust
It would be a good idea to continue using blender 4.1 and slowly switch to blender 4.2. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That was never an issue in Blender along the way, we have been seeing more and more of this since the 2.93 release.

We are going to see more and more post like these (aka my scene or render is broken) on this forum as people start using 4.2. I personally advised people to stick to 4.1 for now especially for their ongoing projects. If you have a project that is using the previous version of Eevee, stick to 4.1 The 4.3 version is going to be a better one to upgrade from 4.1.


From Github:
RenderMan for Blender 26.0 (2323370)

New Features:

  • Blender 3.6 and 4.1 are now officially supported. Note, the Qt framework is not supported in 4.1

This is from the 17th of May. Just give them some time to recompile for 4.2 LTS. :wink: