recently I have been learning DaVinci Resolve and edited my latest documentary completely with R12. Resolve has a very cool feature called “qualifier”. Basically, I pick a color with a dropper tool and can then tune the ranges in an HSL color space. The result is a mask which I can use normal or inverted to apply color correction or even pull a key from that.
Is there anything comparable in Blender? That would be a great help for masking VFX.
Think e.g. a fireball in a hand - I would use the skin tone as qualifier and then plug the qualifier output into the fac input of a mix node.
Richard, thank you. I have checked the nodes under the “add node -> matte” submenu in the compositor and haven’t found anything like that. There are some color keying nodes but they don’t really allow the selection of a specific window. I was thinking that I was maybe either overlooking a node or maybe not realizing a possible combination of nodes to achieve what I have in mind.
The Color Key node has almost exactly the same use case as color qualifiers in Resolve. Set the base color (equvalent to picking color in Resolve), then set the hue, saturation and lightness thresholds. Use the resulting mask as a factor input in colorcorrection node or whatever you want to achieve.
What exactly do you mean by “selecting a specific window”?
kesonmis, thanks, I’ll have another look at that node. With “window” I meant a “window” of values on the H, S and L scales, as opposed to a narrow specific point.
With this interpretation the tolerances set the window width.
There is another way to control the “qualifier” which gives you more control. You can separate the image into HSV channels and push those through separate color ramps. Then combine the ramps in the end with Min operation which gives you the overlap of different “windows”. Use this as a mask for color correction or whatever you need.