Color ramp within texture properties

What is the purpose of the color ramp option within a textures properties? Every time I enable it on an image texture, the image just turns either all black or all white. Dragging the handles and changing settings never gives me an actual color ramp effect.

I often use a separate image editing software to make a color ramp effect on an image to use for the displacement modifier. It would be really handy to be able to do this inside of blender.

How can I get the image properties color ramp to function?
Is there a way to use nodes for a texture that is in a displacement modifier?

I am using 2.81 EEVEE

Thank you!

This is probably a glitch. The texture tab, and node system for are old code that was designed for the old blender internal render that was removed in 2.8. They probably missed something that was related to its removal. The color ramp option is just broken when you try to configure your texture through the property editor on its own.

I noticed that when you open the texture node editor and enable “use nodes” The color ramp option works with the texture you setup there, but the preview for it is broken in both the property editor and the node window of that editor. However, you can see the texture when you use it in the compositor:

texture node issue.blend (486.2 KB)

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! Thanks for confirming the color ramp thing is indeed broken.

The texture node editor doesn’t even have the option for a displace texture. When I pull up the texture under “brush” and select use nodes it disappears and the effect goe away as well. This must be a bug or something that has not been updated yet.