For example, adjusting the color sliders on a point source light, you can use use the horizontal slider fine, but on the vertical color picker, it shoots from 0 to 40 and doesn’t preview any colors except white on the bar. How can I fix the behavior to normal again where I can see a color gradient on it with values properly scaling from 0 to 1.0?
Is there a parameter in setting that affect sliders value ranges? I think this occurred after having installed some add-on, not sure. Attached example
This doesn’t resolve the issue, the issue isn’t the bottom value bar, I can type whatever I want. The issue is the vertical color picker, that is shooting between 0-40 rapidly so it’s some limit or sensitivity issue that I guess changed from having installed some addons recently. Also no color preview on the slider either.
Is this problem in new files too?
You can try it with factory settings.
If the problem persists disable the addons and check again.
When the problem vanishes with deactivated addons you must try out which addon and ask/report the developer about it.
Yeah it’s with new files too, it’s some configuration inside Blender that changed after an addon did something I reckon. I was hoping someone would know what file would contain a parameter to adjust those limits or something if it’s something easily done