Color using nodes

I can’t get the color to work on my bullet. The glossy and mix shader works great, but the color isn’t showing up. Also when I do rendered it seems to be solid black. I do have a sun for lighting.

I am trying to go for a nice copper or brass shiny look. I want the color to be able to be imported into other software or gaming.


The diffuse and glossy nodes should not be connected. Use a mix shader to mix them together.
What reason for the colour mix mode ?

I am trying to go for a nice copper or brass shiny look. I want the color to be able to be imported into other software or gaming.
You’d want to bake the material to a texture (Render / Bake)


I am quite the beginner for the node editor. I am good at texturing with images using the UV mapping, but newer to the node editor.
Below is the effect I am going for. Thanks

of course you cropped the screen just enough to hide the engine… make sure its set to cycles, and stop cropping screenshots!

now, cycles is not the internal, you need to be in render mode to see the shaders, you have it material mode.

and most important, GREEN ONLY GOES IN GREEN. all you need is a single glossy, with roughness up a little.

When you post a full screen shot, it makes things very small and hard to read. This was the relevant part. Yes it’s in cycles and it’s 2.78

Thanks, I am getting closer. Here is the rendered view. Still very far from realistic, any suggestions to improve it? Thanks

My small sugestion is for you to take a bit of time to read the manual.

In both of your material screenshots, one can see errors and meaningless combinations. Which tell us that you’re lacking the bare basic of using cycles (what nodes do, what the color of sockets mean, what kind of values are passing from one node to another, how to design materials, etc)

You are correct. I’ve followed tutorials when modeling and texturing something and did it correctly, but haven’t gone off on my own to experiment. I’ll bookmark and review the manual and learn from it. But also hoping for a little direction to go from here.

reading the manual will help you with vocabulary and meanings that will greatly help you express future questions, and give you the ability to understand people advices and explanations.

I came across this tutorial page which looks very good and really explains it well. It’s good for the whole community.


I made this to show You one way to set it up…This is just the basic/start…You can give it a bump map and a specular maybe ?

Ligth is important for the Node/Shaders to work right.

For light…I use a Hdri and Ambient occlusion with a low Factor = 14…See Picture…:slight_smile:

And 2 Mesh light for the Light…top of bullet.

The Texture…I just find a Texture with scratch and used it…It could be tweaked a lot but it just
to show a way to connect it…Puff Puff

Se Picture…Only 2 Node + 1 for Texture

Mix Shader is…Press Shift a in Node Editor Select Shader / Mix
Then add the Glossy…connect…that’s it…:slight_smile:

Now You should use some Time in the Manual to figure out what all the ting in the Node’s do…:slight_smile:

With these Few Node…You can really make many differnt shaders…Just change the parameter in the Nodes.

Hope This can help You a little…:slight_smile:


I can’t get the same result. I set it up exactly like yours and this is how it comes out. I’ll do some testing and see if I can find a better result with some tweaks. Thanks

Cycles materials have little to do with how they’ll look after rendereind them, but how they react to their enviroment.

An highly reflective material will give to the camera a most of whats is around and too little about it self. Metals are very alike your results if you keep rendering them w in places where there is nothing to reflect.

if, as you first posted, you want this in for other render engine, why using cycles at all? if everything must come from outside the material itself, you mustgive that outside! (which is not the same from engine to engine).

So again the same problem: you are trying to give a step bigger than your leg, as a kid wants to know how to write without knowing any letters.

As others have suggested, you use an HDRi for lighting, it changes a lot about what the metals look like.
You search on google for some scratched metal or rusty metal material for Cycles.

Rather than mixing diffuse and glossy - you could try driving the roughness value of the glossy using a texture instead (this would mimic the real effect on the bullet - i.e. scratches and scuffs which rough up the otherwise polished surface).

I have used the noise texture here - but you could use any type of texture including an image texture - you’ll just have to play with the colour ramp settings which controls the maximum and minimum roughness values.

You are making some odd node connections. Generally speaking you should try and stick to connecting node points of the same colours (though mixing is possible as described below)

Green nodes convey shader information
Blue nodes convey vector information
Yellow nodes convey colour information
Grey nodes convey numeric information

You should never connect a green node point to any other coloured node point. Only green to green is acceptable since the green node points convey complex shader information that the other node point colours cannot really interpret. Your mix shader going into the vector node point of the noise texture will give odd results and is unnecessary.

Blue node points convey vector information (like mapping coordinates, normal map information, vector transforms etc) and so it’s best in most cases to try and stick with blue-blue connections. It is possible to connect yellow and grey node points to blue ones and you can get some interesting effects by doing so - however, you probably want to steer clear of doing so until you understand the node system a bit better.

It is possible to connect yellow and grey node points - however you need to understand what will happen if you do. A yellow node point will convey colour information (e.g. RGB) whereas a grey node point will convey only a single numeric value. Therefore if you pass information from a yellow node point into a grey one (say from a texture) - all of your colour information will be lost and you will essentially turn the coloured texture into a greyscale one. Conversely if you pass a grey node into a yellow node - you will end up with a greay scale colour map (e.g. all of your RGB values will be the same).

If you want to understand what each of the settings on each particular shader does and see what effect changing them has (as well as a few other commonly used nodes) - take a look at this thread:

Do you mean that what I do in cycles won’t stay the same when imported into another program or engine?

I wasn’t aware of that, great information. Thank you.


Materials are generally renderer specific - so even within Blender, a material developed for Cycles won’t be compatible when rendered with Blender Internal, Yafaray, LuxRender etc

Unless the other program you want to use supports Cycles (there are some other programs that now use it aside from Blender - e.g. Rhino, Poser etc) - your materials won’t port across and you’ll have to re-do them.

Where do you plan on using your bullet object?

I was hoping to have it compatible with major animation software and the Unreal / Unity game engines. But if it’s pointless to use cycles, then I’ll just do the best I can without it.