Colorramp problem!

Hi everyone im trying to make this animation but as you can see, the texture animation is not smooth. I could not solve this problem. I got the effect using only the color ramp node. Interpolation mode it set to linear on keyframes, tried to widen the range of the color ramps keyyframes, also tried to narrow it down. Nothing work. Do anyone know how to solve this? The whole animation is 30 fps and 450 frames in total.

Here is the whole node tree:

Here are the start and end locations of the color ramp:


I think originally it should work. IDK why it doesn’t in your case.

Watch this video tutorial, maybe it would help you:

Yeah just watched it, he is doing the same thing i do but it works on his end :smiley: Thanks for the help though

What’s your Blender version?

Its Blender 3.5.1

Have you tried to disconnect Mapping and Texture Coordinate nodes and run the animation again?

Will try and get back to you

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Disconnect Bump as well.

did both, did not work :frowning:

What’s your shaders for that concrete material?

just 2 Principled BSDF mixed together with a noise texture

But how did you get that wireframe at the end of an animation?

Thats just another mesh with wireframe modifier

Hmm… maybe that’s why your color ramp animation has those stutters?

Why? they are completely seperate meshes with seperate materials

What would happen if you will increase your FPS up to 60?

can try it

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Do so, at least maybe this would help…

Try looking at the animated values in the graph editor, they might not be interpolated linearly.

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This is my thought as well. Looks like stepped interpolation to me