Colorspace for Blender -> After Affects export

Hello! I think the length of this topic reflex the complexity of the topic! Apologies in case this was discussed before, but it’d be a bit too long to go through the entire topic.

I have some doubts regarding the right color space workflow when exporting EXR images from blender to after effects.

In AE, in the project settings, I set things as in the screen:

From blender I am still exporting stuff in Filmic, since that’s the color space I started the project with.

When I import the exr sequence, in the interpret footage I select this options:

However the result is still very different from the render I see in blender… what are the correct settings I should have in ae?


@joseph this and my reply are a support topic.

I don’t know how AE works but the EXRs you export do not have a transform (filmic, agx, …) applied. They are in linear rec 709 working space. So set your AE setting accordingly.

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