Colour Burn doesnt seem to be working right

I need help figuring out what exactly is happening in the shader I have on the house.
I have a mask painted to reveal a second texture, and I was going to just have a really basic color burn to mix it with a second wood shader.

When I Increased the threshold, It cuts into the whole mask, instead of just the less opaque edges.
sorry for the lack of a before image, but basically the white part of the paint that is coming into the brown area is the issue.
I even quickly made the same effect in a different project just to make sure I was doing it right, and it works fine there. Does anyone know what could be the issue?

Here is an image of what just the raw mask looks like, without the color burn

Didn’t you make it after watching a video lecture.
Only specific channels in the mask image are used here. :thinking:

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yes, I got the idea from this video and even tried following along exactly and it worked fine on his end, but not on mine and I’m not sure where I went wrong.

He uses his own node group in the video. :thinking:

I’ve tried to do something similar, but it’s not exactly the same.

Thanks for the reply, I tried simplifying the materials from a shader to just using the image textures, and still its cutting through the whole mask instead of just the lower opacity areas. Weirdly enough, I tried to do this exact same effect a while back while creating a barn, I think i even used the same textures and I had no issues then. I don’t know what’s causing it to apply itself over the entire thing at once

I have reorganized the nodes used in the video.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. That is the node setup I used but for some reason It isn’t working like I would expect it to. I appreciate the help though

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I have FINALLY found a solution to my problem.
I did a lot of trying to figure things out and I realized that putting it through a color dodge, then a color burn works well, since I tried both individually before and It didn’t work well on its own.
Thanks for help on my problem!

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