Combine a rigify body rig with a Auto rig pro facial rig

I’m trying to use a rigified (imported and converted Realllusion) character , with no facial rig (accurig removed it…) together with a facial rig i would generate with autorig pro… But I have no clue how to make them into 1 workabel rig…
Anyone ?

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Combining 2 rigs in blender is actually quite simple, but there is one very big, major ‘gotcha’ in there…

Joining 2 rigs together is as simple as selecting both rigs in object mode and joining them via Ctrl-J. Now you have 1 rig and you can edit it in edit mode or pose it in pose mode, except for the ‘gotcha’ bit.

The problem here isn’t with combining the 2 rigs, it’s with getting them to work in pose mode. The rigify rig has ~1800 lines of python code that make the rig work. This code embeds controls in the UI, handles FK/IK snapping, bone layers display, etc…

I’ve never used autorig pro, but I’m sure it uses a similar python script as well. Both of those scripts need to be executed to use the rig. Now maybe both of those scripts will work together, but I don’t know for sure if they will.

Try it. Generate a rigify body rig and a autorig pro face rig, Ctrl-J to join them in object mode, enter pose mode and what happens?


PS - Just thought about it, the code will need to be edited to get them to work.

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Continuing the discussion from Combine a rigify body rig with a Auto rig pro facial rig:

Thank you for hte answer. I will try it, but I do not know how to edit codes, so it probably wont work ?