In the second photo i have created a second mask.
In order to combine 2 different textures.
But a thing what i want is that i dont want the second mask to take an effect on top layer, just want to take an effect on bottom, What i want is creating a mask whithin a mask, I know that i can seperate them by slots but is there is anyway that i can make all this in same slot.
So now in the bottom layer i want to have only 2 different texture, Example red and green so the green texture will be added in noise texture.
On top i want to have only blue texture. Hopefully i am understanable
I can use 3 different layers using RGB channel, it’s like packing 3 different BW images in one…
When some shapes overlap I use the addition blending mode.
Obviously each layer needs to be fully red, green, or blue, as any different color will leak to other channels…
I avoid jpg as image format as it can introduce artifacts, png works fine for me…