Comma to dot in entries

Hello, I wonder that in some entries blender should change comma to dot. System calculator, or LibreOffice Calc shows result with comma and when I copy-paste value e.g. 10,2 to blender entry it shows 12. Another sample, when type 1,1,1,1,1 to rotate entry it shows 5 degrees. Is it ok?

Are you trying to say 10.2 in the first example? It looks like it is moving 10 units then 2. Im sure there is a setting in Libreoffice calc to change from commas to dots if that is the case.

Blender uses Python to interpret expressions you enter into numeric fields. The use of commas for decimal points is an affectation that translates into math and programming very badly, where all punctuation symbols mean something. LibreOffice certainly has a preference to change that.

I see that here, too (German keyboard layout and OS):

If I manually enter “10,2” into a numerical input field, Blender automatically (and correctly) translates that to “10.2” in some of those input fields (nodes, e. g.), but not in others (transform values in “N-panel”, e. g.). In those latter input fields Blender seems to understand “10+2”.

And if I copy/paste “10,2” from another app, it’s always “10+2”.

Forget that. I just found out that it depends on which “comma” key you use when manually entering the values: The one on the numerical key block behaves correctly (“10,2”=“10.2”), the one above the space bar doesn’t (“10,2”=“10+2”).

Of course that does not solve the copy/paste issue, because regardless of which key was struck in the app that value came from, Blender always understands “10+2” from the pasted value.

Yes, manually typing or paste “10,2,5.2” to e.g. rotation entry it looks Blenser rotate 10 next 2 next 5.2 degrees. In Gnome Calc (gcalctool), Windows XP Calc, or if copy from Inkscape entries there is not option for change output.

there is not in Python simple replace build in command, that may convert comma to dot before execute e.g rotation?

I am not an optimization expert, but it seems to me that you are saying that using commas as decimal points is so important to you that you will accept the huge performance hit of adding a condition, calculation and exception handler to every simple value read. And of course I suppose you will want it to write it back to the box in the same format so the display will be the same way. Essentially you are trying to change how objects of type tuple are read and handled, please correct me if I have misunderstood you.
Python is slow enough as it is…

I am curious how programmers in countries that use this convention deal with writing code - is there a German C++ version, or a German Python that does not use tuples in the same way as in English speaking countries?

One problem might be that Python is written in ASCII so Unicode symbols have to be converted into ASCII equivalents.

I only want to say as Blender enthusiast, that for e.g. Inkscape entry is not matter if I type (or paste) 100,5(comma) or 100.5(dot). And e.g. for Gnome calc there is also not matter if I type (or paste) 10,5(comma) + 0.5(dot) = the result is 11 - it is comfortable. If for some important reason Blender entries can not do that it is OK.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t! I am curious is all. Inkscape is not Python based interface afaik.
What does a Python script/module look like in Swedish for example, can it be done at all for a non English (at all) speaker?

I would assume that it might be hard due to the way Blender has the ability to run scripts and runs off of similar architectures, that it could have problems defining where it should use the additive property and where it would translate. Its the coding language itself that could be the barrier hewre, in how the two different functions are separated.