Command Line Rendering Gets Nowhere. HELP

Hi guys,

I’m a newbie to blender. Trying to run a simple script to batch render my projects. I tried all kind of variations that I could find, but still no result. Now I just try to render one picture first with the .bat file but still no success. For me it seems that it should work, but it does nothing just a quick flash when I start the file. No matter if run as administrator or not.

This is the code I use:

cd D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender

blender -b “E:\odrive\Google Drive\My Folder\FirstProject_01.blend” -o //Project_01 -F JPEG -x 1 -f 1

After some experimenting

blender -b E:\odrive\Google Drive\My Folder\FirstProject_01.blend -o /outputDirectory/frame_#### -F JPEG -f -2

Hashtags (#) in outputDir have to be specified to desired frame
-x was removed since it wasn’t to be found in basic documentation.