Command-line window on a mac? (Solved)

I’m starting to learn yafray. Does anyone know how to enable the command-line window (or something similar) on a mac?

Btw, I did do a search.

My thanks in advance.

i wanted to know about this a year ago. i searched for hours, asked questions, and found nothing.

my best guess is that yafray can be started from the Terminal with some switches, but I’ve never been able to get this to work.

Yafray can be started just like any process from the Mac command line. What’s going wrong?

export to xml and run seperatly. although i dont know why you would want to when you can let blender handle it itself.

Yafray can be started just like any process from the Mac command line. What’s going wrong?

one has to know where the executable is before one can launch it from the terminal. i found a path on the yafray forums a while ago but it was wrong.

export to xml and run seperatly. although i dont know why you would want to when you can let blender handle it itself.

scheduling renders, sending a job to a different machine for rendering etc

Not to mention that when you use python, all the messages are in the command-line window.

It’s called Terminal and it’s buried under Utilities, and you might have to install the developer tools CD to get it.

But modern Macs run Unix, and it’s fully-featured.

Not the terminal, the console. They are different. The console app is under utilities and displays the console log.

Wow, thanks! The console app now actually has a use! :slight_smile: I’m sure there’s probably a way to get it to work in the terminal too, but I’m not quite to the level where I can understand it yet. :wink:

Thanks again!