Company Logo-Need a Tutorial

HI guys.
I wanted to know how to create the company logo in blender which turns on its light at night. I mean it emits light just like a real one. I need to know how to do it from scratch. Even Modelling. I didn’t know where to post this so I posted it here. If it’s posted in the wrong section please do tell me. Particularly I want to achieve the real lighting effect.
Here are some references:

In the first photograph the Flynn board is not lit. But I want my model to be lit.


Here’s another image for your reference :


When the logo is just text you could use a text object, and just type in the name. For the ENCOM logo you could use trace the logo with curves.

Just turn on emission in the material settings to make the object glow

But it won’t produce a real effect. And if I add emit to the object the whole object would light up.

I figured out the modelling part. If just someone could give me the exact settings for how to create the light that is produced by the encom logo I will be very thankful. :spin: