Really simple logo design that I thought might be interesting, I thought it dint turn out to bad. (Fake company logo of course;))
Critiques Please!
The G~~~ at the top is nice, especially since it also would be recognizable in black and white or with different colours, which is an asset for company logo (ability to print cheaper B&W letterhead, for example.
Maybe there are too many different colours.
Nicely done, overall.
Yeah, I mean for something this simple, I would stick to 2, maybe 3 colors. Other than that it’s nice.
The upper logo is good. As Augustin stated it will also hold up in BW. The lower text below the line however looks like a totally different job. The two don’t match at all. Why not work with the upper font and use it in the lower text. Try to unify the look. Also the lower text is overpowering. Figure out what you want to have the viewers focus on. Typically with a graphical logo it would be the logo not the text.
That’s much better; more unified.
I preferred the 3 equal length green ~ from the first picture.
How about making the top and bottom parts equal width? The font for “CG Eagle” would be much smaller, emphasizing more the logo, like OldSkool said.
I’d be tempted to keep the text a little closer together & smaller and have the colors a little more muted (though of course depends on the company) Made a quick example of the kinda things I’d change with similar fonts/look. I’ve also used Inkscape rather than blender for something like this, if you wanted to convert to 3D just import the SVG file to blender and extrude.
Yea, like Odes’ composition … good use of negative space.
I like Odeas’ version as well. Both are nice.
Well done!
thanks augustin valjean
Definately much better than your original! However your colors are super bright which could cause a bit of a problem for most standard printers if this was to be used as a real logo.
#10 is fine.
Like I said, I like both Odeas’ and Eagleflyer’s versions, but they are not directly comparable even though the text is the same. They use different background colours and their use case are very different.
Odeas’ version would fit the real world better. With the white background, we can better see it printed on letterheads and office supplies.
Eeagleflyer’s version is more suited for a web site (designed with a black background), or as an introduction to any type of video production. It fits better online uses. As such, the version in #10 is fine as it is. On the contrary. The colours pop out more, and if that’s the wanted effect, then fine.
It really depends what Eagleflyer was after. If he wanted to have fun and learning new skills designing something nice with blender, then I’d say the goals have been met. However, if the logo is to be used for real, then he’d have to consider the use: printed on paper or used for web site design and video productions?
Well I was really just trying to have fun and try out the idea of cutting the letters in half as a logo. Which was really simple once I thought about how to do it. Maybe I make the idea with different letters for my friends YouTube channels just to satisfy them when they beg for something from me, but other than that really just for fun. :yes: