Complete list of Blender Menus and sub Menus, commands and hotkeys

I’ve searched and looked at several references and have not found what I am looking for.

I’m looking for the following information in order to develop a sortable spreadsheet for reference.

An alphabetic list of all commands in blender, how the command is reached via menus, and the associated hot key.

I’ve found several lists that have the hot keys listed but none that has all the commands.

Is there a menu tree documented anywhere? A list or diagram of all the menus and sub menus and selections?


file > user prererances > input.

then navigate to wherever you want. in my case; 3D View > mesh. this shows all shortcuts and keys for what you can do with a mesh.

to see what they do, add a cube, and try it out.

another benefit is that if you find something usefull, but you want to change the shot, then ur already at the right place :slight_smile: for instance i added “Smooth vertex” on Q because i use it a lot. :wink:

If your end goal is to learn blender, I strongly recommend looking into the rRMB Menu by PLyczkowski.
It’s context sensitive, impeccably organized.

As you have noticed, blender has so many hidden menus, and generally it’s all over the place. It’s like a chess game trying to learn it.
Just forget it and start using rRMB Menu. With the help of that addon, you will learn what’s out there and the naming conventions. This will help you find all the hidden menus in their default state.

Orange - thanks for the tip. I still would like to prepare the spreadsheet as a reference tool.

I have exactly the same idea. Here’s a raw list of all the hotkeys. Needs some serious parsing, editing, translation to be useful in a spreadsheet. I am working on it. I have no idea where to find a complete menu list. There are some menu commands that have no hot key. Can anyone point me at a menu list?

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Here it is a little further along. I removed the dummy keys I had to add to get blender to output the list. (all the “A” key entries at the bottom of each section were invalid)
I also moved all the property lines up to their appropriate key line.
As it is now it will import into a spreadsheet using comma delimiters. It’s a lot easier to edit now than it is inside a spreadsheet. All that really needs done is to edit the commas in each line so the fields will line up in the spreadsheet.

As for the menus, it does not look good. There is no menu tree that I can find on the net. Also no ability to output one from the program. (possibly a clever python script-er could do this). I even downloaded the source code to see if that would help… doesn’t help ME any.

Manually creating a menu tree for every screen and mode and context would be a monumental task.

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Well, here it is semi-completed, for what it’s worth. All I really wanted was a complete list. It is useful if you want to sort by screen or keystroke. I left in all the “junk” just for the sake of completeness. The properties (at the right side of the sheet) are sometimes useful to figure out exactly what the key is for. No use spending much more time on it, as there are rumors of some major changes to the shortcut system. Don’t know how they are going to simplify it any, we do need all the shortcuts.

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