Composit node effects, techniques, solutions ...

Noodles are really Fun. They need toop tips.

How do you use nodes for your final render?

Hey here’s a simple example of how to setup blurred reflections using nodes, everything in layer 1 gets blured, and in layer 2 get rendered normaly, could be very cool to add some brushed metal noice to the mask :slight_smile:

Blend File

My Unrealistic yet quick to set up DOF blur:D My first real set up I still can’t get it to render with nodes in effect someone please tell me how:confused:


Anthony turn on Do Composite in render buttons

Hello Everyone,

I have downloaded the flarebled.blend file posted by purple. Thanks!

However, I have a question. When I have flareblend.blend open, and I shift-A to add a new node, I notice that there options available that I don’t see in any other file. For example, in flareblend, shift-A…converters, I have the following options:

Color Ramp
Separate RGBA
Separate HSVA
Set Alpha

If I open a new file (one that I created for testing / playing) I only have the following options:

Color Ramp

At first I thought it was the cvs that I was using, but I get the same results in 4 different cvs builds.

How is it that these options are particular to a specific blend file?

Hi all

Here is a primer for Compositing Nodes. It has a few basic techniques and an example of how to build a keyer and a de-spiller.

It’s a work in progress and my first ever tutorial.



Thanks for your efforts!! I have downloaded and am looking forward to using on my next project.

Thanks again!!

I don’t think they are.

When I do a file-new, I get all 6 of those nodes … with this CVS windows build, as well as the … 2006/04/12 “Orange” build … (which I’m sure everybody has by now :slight_smile: )


Does anyone know if the raytrace/refraction material properties will be able to distort the “background plate” (video/animation) in the new Compositing feature of Blender?

Right now, the only way I know of is to load the video/animation into a Texture, apply the texture to a plane, size the plane to fill the camera view, then parent it to the camera.

It’s okay, but a little limiting, especially if you have a lot of objects moving around in the space between the camera and the plane.

If an object with a refraction material could distort the background video in the compositor–that would greatly streamline the whole process.

I see many capabilities being discussed for the new Compositor, but I hadn’t seen that addressed yet. Does anyone know if that will be included?

Just curious…thanks.

I found a resolution to the issue: load the “Video Texture” as a WORLD texture. Don’t need the compositor and don’t need a “background plate” plane object to worry about.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of that sooner…

Sorry to bother…

Glow effect with nodes
Link is to avi clip in which that previous glow effect is taken a bit further.
In it layers are used and specifically them are used for duplicates of objects.

Its ment to be the glow which cam lens makes from incoming light. Not sure
if it happens with real world physics but in movies it can be seen sometimes.

I tried to use the vector blur for motion blurring, and it renders the image as blank black. The node set up looks the same as the vector blur example file, I am using ‘Do Composit,’ and other filters work (such as blur), but I cannot seem to get vector blur to do anything. Am I missing something?

In renderlayer in render buttons activate vector pass

thanks for shareing everyone!

I know what I am going to be experementing with this afternoon 8)

If I find anything cool, I will share too!

The sequence editor MetaStrips can be used to composit multiple strips, here is a nodes solution.




I actualy did something useful!

I have always wanted to use the particle hair with my toon stuff.

but the edge outline always stopped me… most of the time the outline was all I got…

well here i got hair, outline, and my toon shader meshes all in 1 render :slight_smile:

the keys where to render the head and hair in 1 layer, and have the head also in layer 2…

in the new render layers tab i told it to render everything except the edge…
then I made another render layer for layer 2, this time with just Sky and edge checked!
this was sooo easy!
thanks for this thread everyone :slight_smile:


I just made old photo node example.
Next steps will be

  • Better gradient (like in silent hill)
  • Grain (noise node or something more complex like particle system where every particle is films grain)
  • Adding scratches (particles as vertical lines)
  • Adding dust (once again one more particle systems with different dust pixmaps)


I loved your primer. Immediately upon reading it I went out and found Steve Wright’s book at the library–an old edition, but still a killer read.

I started putting together some node groups that implement some of Mr. Wright’s tools. Of course, these are for live action compositing, but I’ve learned so much in the process!

The best part was when I realized that I could approximate exponetiation operatons with RGB curves, so I could implement a color distance “chroma-key” with a hack.

Thanks heaps Joey!

first of all for the feedback and support for my tutorial (Steve’s book is great isn’t it?! I think there’s only one edition to date anyway).

Secondly for the all-too-obvious hack of using the curves for a math node, never really occurred to me (feel mightily silly right now…)


What kind of video files can be used in image nodes, or can only series of images be used. IF only series of images, does anyone have a good avi decompiler? edit: I’m told virtualdub can do it.

If this is in a doc, please point me to it.

Joey, thanks for the package of nodes.
