Compositing PNG over image sequence

I’ve been going through the tutorials Sean Kennedy recently put up on his website.

(I have no financial interest)

So I wanted to take some of the things I’ve been learning and try it on my own but I’m seeing an odd result.

I want to put an image “pasted” into the scene. My tracking seems fine but when I try to offset the image, it seems to be getting “cut off”

With no offset/transform to get it into position…this is what it looks like:

I’ve added an arrow where I want to move it to. Though as you can already see on the left side of the image, it’s being cropped.

So now, when I try to move the image into position using a transform node and increasing the X value it does this:

If I keep increasing the X value to get it into position, the logo will disappear completely.

I know my “Mix” should be set to overlay and I’ve disconnected my colorRamp data, both done just so the logo is easier to see. The only nodes off screen to the right are the composite and viewer nodes.

I’m not sure what I’m missing. Why can’t I move the image “anywhere?”

Thanks in advanced!:confused:

I just previewed my post and the images may be too large…not sure how to scale them down in my post. Apologies.


For anyone interested…I think I found the issue. I believe the weirdness I was seeing is the same in this stack exchange thread:

Also reported in this (sadly Archived) bug:

So I “fixed” my issue by taking the CGCookie logo into photoshop and scaling the canvas size to 1920x1080 (which is the size of my project in Blender).

Hope that helps someone else.

The background preview will show original source dimensions but the clipped object occurs when you exceed the project dimensions. Simply scale the background image to project.

This is an issue with the compositor not respecting a “canvas” size for the project. It’s something the developers know about, and intend to fix, but it’s a big overhaul, so will be a while. Yes, adjusting your canvas is the correct workaround for now.

I do have a node group that corrects this issue, and I intend to do a blog post about it over at I think I showed it in my Blender Conference talk from last year.

This same issue used to affect the blur node, as well. It would clip the edges of the image being blurred. Sergey added a fix for this last October, and I demo that in my video presentation from World Blender Meetup Day.

Awesome. Thanks so much Sean! I’ll check out those links.

Your tutorials have been outstanding. I’ve learned a ton and looking forward to seeing what you’re up to next on your blog.