I have split a scene in 7 render layers with for each layer specific passes selected as shadows and normals.
I have exported to exr multilayers and up to there everything is ok
Now I want to adjust lighting and colors on some of the render layers but I end up lost!
I read the wiki, looked at videos etc… But where I am lost is how do I associate all the layers in a composit image.
I have rendered with alpha, so as you can see on the screen shots, I have semi transparent elements and I don’t see/remember how to get them correctly rendered.
I know about alpha over but then I cannot be sure as at which level to use them, after the mix/add our before?
then as I have 7 layers, how do I close the chain for the rendering? Sorry but I am on that since a while and I just don’t get it anymore…
I need help here…
I use 2.74 on a linux ubuntu system and everything is working ok so it is me who does not recall how to process AO and alpha over and chaining layers…
You should take a look at this video, it explains how to combine the different render layers (and passes) and how to use them in post-production.
I hope it helps
This is also pretty good as a starting point:
Thanks Julperado I am looking at them now… will let know the results… thanks again