Computer mouse

Just something I modeled with to try out the new Cycles render engine. Its based on the Razer lachesis 5600.

This rendered for around 20 to 30 mins. With a quad core and 4gb of ram.

(Link for a side view)


that looks great :smiley: although the wheel looks a bit too neon :stuck_out_tongue:

What is your impression of Cycles?

@blenderbug. Thanks! yeah I think you might be right about the wheel

@Guss. Im actually liking it a lot! I just dont know to much about texture nodes. So its a little difficult some times.

How fast is it compared to Blender-Internal?

I find that to get noise free results it takes longer than BI but is well worth the wait. Its better than normal blender bacause you can work with a render image in the view port and not have to render wait and stop to see what the end result will be :slight_smile: Give it a go, i used it to make some light bulbs which are somewhere on the finished projects forum