Concept Art: SciFi Prop Monitor

Hi there, just finished this sci fi monitor.

All done in Blender (colour grade in AE) using Boxcutter for some subtle panel action.

Hope you like it, feedback always welcome!


“Print it!”

But, hmmmm, maybe at least the connector on the side of the monitor is a little bit big? (It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen, or used, a “SCSI-1 connector!”)

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Looks like combine oldschool and sci-fi style. Cool work.

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I would agree its probably too bug, but then in universe I could argue the companybthat made it are bad. :wink:

If anyone is interested, here’s the process in 2 parts:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Hey! Thanks very much.

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