Concept Cadillac Race Car

After getting very frusterated with my attempt at modeling the Audi R8, I decided it was easier for me to design something myself, rather than trying to copy something else.

I got the idea of an ALMS GT1-style cadillac during chemistry and started sketching it on my notebook. This is what it has turned into so far. It’s kind of across between the cts-v touring car and an xlr.

Also, does anyone know of any good tutorials for modeling wheel rims? I can’t seem to make an even remotely recognizable rim. :frowning:


Good model…But I wonder that u forgot to smooth the faces of your car…
The last blenderArt Magazine has a good rim tut…btw…this magazine has a lot of good stuffs about car modeling. So, take a look : BlenderArt Magazine nº8

Keep the good work :slight_smile:

Yeah I went a little overboard with what is supposed to be the rather iconic sharp edges of cadillacs. thanks for that magazine link! I’ll try to get some wheels made up asap.