Concept Space Shuttle Orbiter

Sooooo…when the Russian’s were designing this thing, did they say “How many boosters can we possibly fit to make sure that our shuttle can be used as planetary flame thrower?”. That’s, definitely something right there, heh.

Diatribe aside, coming along nicely. I would definitely suggest UV texturing this bugger just for accuracy sake. I understand the secret military look, but I hope there’ll be a lot of textured detail otherwise the model will seem rather plain.

Then again, when you have enough propulsion to hit a diamond with it and shatter the diamond, there’s nothing quite plain about it then is there?

Once this thing’s finished, you’ll see it with all boosters on full a few seconds after liftoff… now thats a sight many pyromaniacs would love to see!

But yeah, I probably will UV map it, after I learn how. :spin: :spin: :spin:

Plus a minor update.


The decals look quite nice!

And isn’t that decal technique incredibly useful?

Very. Thanks a lot!

I love it! It looks very sleek and shiny and pretty! (in a black torpedo of DEATH sort of way…)
Does the zig-zaggy cylinder part near the nose have little triangles on it, or are they just shadows. It looks a bit like irregular mesh topology or something.

No offence Popsy, but not you again… last time you posted on one of my threads you fell in love with all the bright orange glowing reactor vents on my tank.

Anyway, the fuel tank has been puzzling me too. I think t’s just shadows.