So I’m not really at this stage yet, still working on a bunch of hard surface stuff, but just because I had some free time, and some of my models are planned to be used for a basic game project, I wanted to get into the ‘correct workflows’ kind of mindset. So I was thinking about how you make a low-polycount game model, out of a high-poly (mostly due to subsurf to smooth curves, plus some sculpting) original.
So I think I know the manual route to do this. Using something like Retopoflow, you essentially re-draw the model in a more basic form using their tools. Time consuming, but it should work and give the best overall results (but takes a lot lot longer). That’s fine, and that’s on my to-do list.
But my model is already pretty simple (it’s not finished), so something like Quad Remesh, an auto-retopology tool that gets rave reviews and can retopology organic and complex shapes with ease and retain all details… should be a piece of cake. Right? Right?
So my results are below, in a ‘before’ and ‘after’ pic of part of the mesh. Essentially, the program seems to manage large areas of flat or curved mesh pretty well. But as soon as it hits anything with any kind of detail, it just poops itself and throws out random meshes. Some of them are broken geometry with faces folding back on themselves, but mostly it’s just terrible. And this is with me increasing the face-count, and tweaking all the settings. This is the best result I can get.
I -can- improve it, by doing a workflow that seemed to be suggested - using shrinkwrap project and a subsurf, to get the details back. But this results in a mesh that is… about the same number of faces as my original one was, if not more.
Might just be that I’m using it on the wrong kind of model, and this model doesn’t require / handle retopology well. Just confused me, as people seem to be using it on much more detailed and complex shapes without these issues.
Settings I used for the below I think was 10000 faces, 100% adaptive, adapt quad count, detect hard edges (which it doesn’t seem to be doing?).
I mean in fairness, it’s about as good as I would have expected an ‘automatic’ remesher to be, if I had just thought about it on my own, as it’s a complex task. My confusion is that so many people seem to be recommending it, and that it ‘just works perfectly’. Though they use it on models with millions of faces, while this model only has 200k. So maybe that’s the problem?
Edit: Just to add, I’m also totally willing to admit that I might be misunderstanding what the point of retopology is. I thought it was meant to turn a messy high-poly mesh, into a cleaner low-poly mesh, with big faces in the low detail areas and smaller faces in the detailed areas. Or something like that.