Confused with renderlayers, scenes and passes


I’ve been using Blender for some time now, but theres is something I’ve don’t understand: Renderlayers and how to use it. The wiki is far from good (wrong/not updated?) on this topic, and I must ask if someone can explain it to me - or link to a good tutorial that is updated.

As I have understood, the term “Scene” under “Layers” is a mirror of the visible layers at the bottom of the screen (and NOT the same as “Scene” at the top…). But what is the purpose of those controls contra the control next to it (to the right)? Why is it seperate controls?

I struggle to find good documentation on this topic, and I also feel that the labels/titles of the controls should be changed to prevent confusion.

and I also feel that the labels/titles of the controls should be changed to prevent confusion.
If you don’t understand what render layers are then I doubt just changing the names will make the slightest bit of difference

Thanks :slight_smile:

BTW: The first Wiki you linked to, is full of errors… Referring to images that is not there, controls that must have been something back in version 2.4 +++.

Think of it this way: a “renderLayer” (never mind the further-abuse of the word, ‘layer’ …) is a filter. The things which qualify for that filter, so to speak, can be accessed from a “RenderLayer” node in the compositor, and can also be individually saved in a MultiLayer OpenEXR file.

RenderLayers also have to do with what sort of outputs are made-available from the processing of the items which qualify for the filter criteria. (These become the output-pipes on the compositor node.)

The word, “layer,” is unfortunately a tremendously over-used and therefore entirely-ambiguous word in the Blender vocabulary. Just about everything winds up being called or referred-to as a “layer.” It’s just the way the cookie crumbled.

Thanks sundialsvc4 :slight_smile: I think I’ve got it not - part of it anyway :wink:

Here’s another

You can find sundialsvc4 whining about layers in that thread too.