Hello, I have problem frustrating me for two weeks now.
I have two parts that I want to achieve congruence or perfect adaptation between their two surfaces.
The two parts have a lot of triangle faces , which aren’t adapted to fit on one another .
I would like to know how can I make the surface of one part to have the exact positive “male” impression of the second “female” negative part , so that when I place two faces of one part on the two corresponding faces of the other part, all the other triangles would fit perfectly one on the other without having gaps or excess intersection between the two parts.
I now have that kind of interface for example : |> (The bar | in on the first part,the > is on the second)
I want it to become : >> .
Sorry for the big text , you can see that I’m not desperate.
If I put them together, there will be voids and intersections all over the interface. therefore I would like to find a way to make one of those two parts have the same surface as the other so that when I put one on the other, the interface would be in full contact and without excess or gaps.
I didn’t find a tool to upload the blender file .
Thanks for your help.
If I remove from one part as you suggested, and patch on the other,I would end up with gaps between the part I patched and the surface I patched it on.Filling that would then take ages (If its doable)
This is the end result that I want to achieve as you see in my picture.
Except that I want that the inner surface of the right object be perfectly adapted to the surface of the left object.
That’s what I am not able to perform.
I have a theory that could work but I don’t know if it’s doable on blender.
Is there a way to close the open side of the top object(in your screenshots),or thicken it’s inner surfaces(without modifiying the outer surface) , and fill the whole cavity ? After that I can do a difference with the bottom part, and I would get a perfect impression in the top part.
I selected all the inner faces of that shell object. How can I extrude them all to one point in the middle ofthe shell (A point in the cavity) ? I tried pressing “E” but all the faces move in one direction. I want them to congerve to one point to augment the inner thickness,that way I could then go and do a difference boolean with the other object. (Because if I do a boolean now,The difference wont work because not all the faces get in contact with the other object).
Thank you
depends which part of the inside cause this is like concave
the inside is bigger then the bottom part !
see pic here
unless you want only a part of the inside !