Unfortunately for me, I have to use Maya in my day job. Maya cannot handle geometry that is composed solely of vertices that are not connected by edges. I am trying to use Blender to create a distributed network of vertices that I will use as the basis for a point instancer in Maya (using MASH). But since Maya cannot import a simple vertex list, I need to somehow connect the vertices by edges and/or polygons first.
Is there a way to connect all of the vertices (or points) with edges or polygons using geometry nodes?
I do not care at all about the topology since I will only be using the vertices in Maya and ignoring faces and edges. So even the messiest solution would probably work.
Whatever method I do use should not change the vertices in any way. I.e. the vertices need to all be present and in their original position. Their order does not matter.
Thanks in advance! I tried to find some explanation of how to do this but have not found anything specific to GN.
Playing around with this node, however, I am not able to get the results that you are showing. Would you by any chance be able to point out how to translate this to the older transfer attribute node?
This is super appreciated by the way (even if you can’t do the translation). I learned a lot by looking at your network.
The transfer attributes node can indeed pull data from one geometry stream to another, but it’s looking by proximity. Since I want to transfer the position data to the matching index, I had to make the source geometry match the target geometry (that’s what the upper set position node is doing) But the target data is the source position, so before I ruin that position data, I use a capture attribute node, which is then the attribute that transfers to the target mesh.
Even smart people like you are not immune to trick themself from time to time.
This old attribute Transfer also could transfer by index … it is an example how fast we can forget thinks we are used to.
Happens to me all the time.