Connect vertex path

I have this model and i can’t figure out why blender execute or not the op with this “vertex setup”

Do You have any idea why it is not working on the first case?

Most likely theres a discontinuity somewhere in your mesh, an edge may be separated. Quite some seem ok, as the other cuts work, but its sometimes a bit hard to say along which projection the cut/connection path is made.

So double check your mesh.

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If edge separation would be the problem the 2nd and 3rd shot also wouldn’t work.
Btw there is no separated edges on that area

Thanks for the reply!

No, as I said its not that your view must have been the one that it was cut from, so the cut line may look bent from your view and different edges may have been cut. But if you are sure that there is no problem with the mesh then IDK, it shouldnt fail then. Cut it with the knife and go on.

Hmmm, I just made the similar looking thing (by beveling an edge loop) and it failed to connect certain vertices :thinking: I can’t see why though

Can you share it?

Wonder if it has something to do with how it would have cut if it were successful: right along some existing edges. Seems unlikely.

VertexConnectFail.blend (634.2 KB)

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Yeah fails here too. Knife works. At first I thought that the new ngon might have been the problem but thats also not the case. :thinking:

Edit: But its not a topological problem, but rather one that is caused by the projection. Moving the existing vertices aside solves the problem

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I see deleting the bottom face changes everything. Connect is successful for this pair but it works different for other vertex pairs now.

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Thats indeed strange too. But the projections orientation may be dependent on the normals and by deleting the bottom faces you changed the vertex normal and so the cut chose a slightly different path which does not fail. :slightly_smiling_face: I guess it makes mistakes if there are vertices or edges colinear with the projected line for the cut.

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Confirming that if i delete the bottom faces allows making the vertex path.
The strange thing is that on the third shot the bottom end is much closer to the incriminated faces and still creates it!
Anyhow at least i know what can affect on the operator. Thanks for the answer!