Constellating sketches

Today’s aims for efforts: to put in 60 minutes of structured work, then another 30 if I have the spoons.

Reaffirming the broader goal: to bring out the momentous narratives that spark my mind into the world through bi-weekly short animations that contain no dialogue, as well as continuous comics with more complicated narration structures

How will I carry this out;

  • Finish the animation from above in 30 minutes. All that’s left is 1 additional scene, clean-up, then SFX and Post.
  • Post that: decide, how do I want to share my content with the world? For now, utilize Instagram + Twitter
  • Spend remaining 10-20 mins. devising a new story

If I have the spoons,

  • Create the 2nd animation. Goal is to post every Thursday and Sunday.
  • The more I can “beat the clock” and create ahead of time the better.

:sparkles: Doing the work…

Reflection time!

Overview: Spent 60, not 30 mins on finalizing my 1st animation. And that was ONLY finishing up editing. Still need SFX and Post. Damn, takes a long time. Good to know when coming up w/ future projects- I am leaning more and more towards color-free animation and/or 3D animation. Something like “No Love Lost”:

Afterwards, finished up the animation (another 30-40mins). Felt good: I only need SFX now!

Then, took an hour to make a fun sketch. Certainly could have done by hand, but something about making a 3D work is just more appealing, style-wise.

What is healthy: My persistence. I kept going no matter my attitude.
What needs nurturing: Focus during the “mundane” parts of animating. I struggle with coloring, in-betweens, and other things that, to be honest, feel unnecessary. Lost good 20-30mins due to that
What needs urgent care: Desire to create FAST. I am all about making things, but at no particular pace. I need to sense my own mortality a bit better, eh?

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What is this panel from? I love the art style

No Love Lost by Luca Oliveri

ahh… and sadly not availabel anymore…

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Yesterday, power out. Today, finished the animation- all SFX done. Will render the final file tomorrow.

Also, had 30 minutes, made a quick portrait sketch. No matter what, practice every day.


Not so productive today- got lost in an exercise. Wasn’t ambitious- didn’t set any particular goals, simply “get in 90mins”. I want to be more desperate than this- desperate for making big things happen.

Did finish the animation: now w/ SFX (all sounds drawn from libraries, some very simple editing/layering, nothing fancy).

Then, a quick 10min sketch.

Either way, work made, but I want to do more.


Another day meh! Only had half an hour, so prioritized sketching and getting good ideas out.
Brief sketch:

Unfinished “vehicle”


Some more substantial work today: started a bigger animation project, and practiced some doodles.




I cannot do 3D. I am realizing how much the skill of 3D is tied to software availability, and that has really made me debate it. I want to carry my skills with or without technology. Learning to depict light and shape in 2D can transfer over to so many mediums.

3D will stick to 3D. It’s a useful tool, and I’m utilizing it- but only when necessary.

So, I started with some sketches:

idea: make 100 people sketches, all in the same document. 10mins/day, with 3-5 people per day = no more than a month of work!

Then, dove into my main project (where 3D was helpful for setting the scene, 100%)

Main goal for tomorrow is to continue explore my aesthetic via simpler sketches, and to practice drawing. Ultimately, I want to set for simple geometric 3D shapes w/ overlay of grease pencil, and only when necessary for lighting. Master 2D- that shouldn’t take long. Trust myself.


Continued some sketches (a lot more done on paper- too lazy to take a pic rn lol)

On my way to 100 bodies- this puts me at 6 total!

For the next few days, will only have access to ink and paper- hope to keep improving my drawing skills. Upon return, straight to making big stories and big animations. First, will finish that huge animatic (by turning it into a comic!) I tabled awhile ago; then, continue the animatic shared above- it will be short.

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