Constraint Child of animation

ChildofAnimation.blend (455 KB)
Hi everbody,
i want an object to be child of another object but only starting from frame 25. I want the first object to follow every motion LOCROTSCALE of the second object starting from frame 25 but and I want it to start with its initial position. And this is not what i get in the .blend attached.
Can you help me to find a solution?
Thank you


If you want the cube to follow the sphere with its current offset then go to frame 25 and press the ‘Set Inverse’ button in the child of constraint panel

Thank you for your contribution,
i tried indeed to use the ‘Set Inverse’ button but unfortunately it follows the sphere but the cube also rotates around the center of the sphere instead of rotating around its own center.
It think i resolved it by using both influence key and ipo curves
Thank you

but the cube also rotates around the center of the sphere instead of rotating around its own center.

Look at the Copy Rotation constraint

Just animate the enable-disable constrain (little eye) and press Set Inverse in the first enabled frame (25) to reset the initial position of the cube.

Let us know if it worked!

For further knowledge google “blender pick up object” and look at those tutorials


Yes it works but only with the copy rotation constraint.
Thank you for you help guys