Constraints for animation


I want a cylinder to follow a plane.
I put a Trackto constraint on the tube with the plane as target.
The problem is that i want the tube to be longer to stick to the plane.

In the following exemple one can see that the tube needs to be longer to stay stick to the plane.


What would be the solution for that ?

You want to be using a Stretch-To constraint.

Hope this helps,


You probably don’t even need a Track to constraint.
Try adding a “Damped Track” and a “Stretch to Coinstraint” as Revolt_Randy already said ^^
From my experience (and in my personal opinion): Damped track and Track to work the same but Damped track and Stretch to make less problems with each other, since they are like BFFs and Track To is prone to be a bit buggy

Also You might wanna use an armature for this and not doing this with primitives alone

Thank you very much @revolt_randy and @PolyPigeon !
I’m going to search for rigging because i don’t know this scope of Blender.

You don’t have to, have this :smiley:

something I forgot to add in the video:
Add this to the cylinder bone. It makes it keep it’s volume

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Thank you very much for your help.
Your movie helped me a lot.

The goal was to put a subtitle (the plane) with a line (cylinder) pointing to the camera from the object (suzanne).
I just changed the target to the camera for dampedtrack and stretchto
And for the subtitle to follow the rotation of the camera, i had “copy transforms” of the camera on the plane’s bone.

So great, it opened many doors to my knowledge of blender ! Thanks !

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Glad that worked out for you. :smiley:
If you don’t mind me asking: Why did you put subtitles into your render? normally subtitles are added in Post Process in a an editing software

Actually it’s not really a subtitle but a description.
The goal is to put a description to each component of a bike.
The camera is moving around the bike and each component is connected to the description with a line (the cylinder).
You think about another method for that ?

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Ohh I see, sounds cute!
I’m sure you could do that in After Effects somehow or even a normal editing software, with keyframes shapes. But I think it would be just as much work as your method so don’t worry too much about it and do your thing

Hello @PolyPigeon ,

Here is the short video sequence of what i’m now able to do.
I finally did the line with a curve with bones.
Work in progress :sunglasses: